Digital Single Market – dream that may come true

Katarzyna Stachyra



Last month European Commission presented its communication titled ‘A Digital Single Market Strategy for Europe’[1]. Commissioner, who is responsible for this issue, is named Andrus Ansip. Introducing the next step in European integration is one of the most important priorities of the Commission. According to researches[2], only less than a half of EU citizens are confident during buying goods on-line from another EU state. This may be caused by many factors, for instance differences in shipping costs, standards of consumer protection – questions concerning returns policy or guarantees, doubts with currency exchange (in states which euro is not in use, such as Denmark or Poland). However, our comfort is not the only advantage which may be achieved after removing barriers. As European Commission highlights, introducing digital single market will have significant impact on development of trade and other areas. Jean Claude Junker argues that ‘By creating a connected digital single market, we can generate up to EUR 250 billion of additional growth in Europe in the course of the mandate of the next Commission, thereby creating hundreds of thousands of new jobs, notably for younger job-seekers, and a vibrant knowledge-based society.[3]’ So it’s worth taking a look at Commissions proposals, isn’t it?

Andrus Ansip(left) and Gunther Oettinger hold a joint press conference on Digital Market

Commissioners Andrus Ansip(left) and Gunther Oettinger hold a joint press conference on Digital Market (source:

Three points, many challenges

European Commission indicated three key points in Digital Single Market strategy. Firstly, online access to digital goods and services should be better. Secondly, infrastructure which is necessary for prospering of digital networks and services should be developed. Thirdly, digital growth should be as beneficial as possible for economy, industry and employment. Although those postulates deserves support, currently it’s too early to open champagne. On one hand there are problems with mentioned point two – infrastructure. Certainly, in some of EU member states this issue is just unknown because digitalization ‘reached’ the majority of residents. But we can’t forget that access to the Internet or even to modern appliances is not so obvious in every place in Europe. On the other hand, even if those complications will be resolved, there are still questions about legal regulations – for example standards of protection of consumers, personal data protection, different VAT regimes, copyright rules, geo-blocking, the Internet neutrality, or just how and where assert claims in connection with the contracts. Legislation procedure takes so much time, that it may be factor which will delay introduction of Digital Single Market.

Future that is late

European Commission’s strategy sounds optimistic. But it’s hard to deny it comes too late. Why Digital Single Market is something that doesn’t exist now? It’s additional prove that our administration and law are not following technological development. Maybe this is impossible and current barriers disappear in some kind of ‘natural’ way thanks to market mechanisms and e-society?



[3] Extract from the Political Guidelines for the next European Commission – A New Start for Europe: My Agenda for Jobs, Growth, Fairness and Democratic Change (15 July 2014)

Welcome to Eurozone, Lithuania!

Kamil Augustyniak

Since 1st January 2015 Lithuania is considered as the nineteenth member of Eurozone in the European Union and can finally fully enjoy its position in the European Central Bank.

Lithuania on the way towards euro adoption

From 1922 to 1940 and then, continuously, from 1993, Lithuania had its own currency – Lithuanian litas (LTL). The change of currency was planned from more than decade when the agreement between Lithuania and the European Central Bank was concluded. Pursuant to the new document, signed in 2002, the litas was pegged to the euro at the rate of 3.4528 to 1.

Although Lithuania still couldn’t be an active participant in meetings related to ECB monetary policy, the benefits of such enlargement were economically and politically based First of all, it has allowed the economy to be more predictable and balanced. Secondly, this was the first step toward adopting euro.

The first attempt at establishing euro in this country came in 2007 but it was less than successful. The European Commission did not give a green light to Lithuania to adopt the euro currency because of a high inflation and economic crisis. All these factors delayed the change which a lot of Lithuanian citizens support[1]. Fortunately, the delay suited Lithuania because it didn’t have to financially support weaker countries when the crisis came to the Eurozone, considering her unbalanced internal economic situation. Now, when Lithuania finally meets all legal and economic requirements (e.g. price stability, sound and sustainable public finances, exchange rate stability), it can officially benefit from EU’s common currency.

Eurozone members (source:

Eurozone members (source:

Opportunity to thrive

The most important advantage of adopting euro in Lithuania is coming nearer to the European Union. For any European country, being a member of the EU is significant, but being a member of the EU and Eurozone at once opens great possibilities and give stronger position on the international arena. Attractiveness of the region increases – new investors will not come across any obstacles of currency exchange. What is more, market competitiveness grows in comparison to other Baltic countries which have already adopted euro. This factor means a lot for Lithuania which, very often, occurs with Estonia and Latvia that are in Eurozone from 2011 and 2014 respectively. The risk of omission of Lithuania is now quite small. Change of currency is only a new beginning for reforms which will have the desired result in investments and more integrated trade with the EU. For a new member of Eurozone this can be considered as a crucial point in near development due to a new Russian policy which imposed embargo on foodstuff from the EU. In result, the forecast of economic growth of Lithuania for 2015 has dropped from 4.3 to 3.3%.

What about prices?

The Lithuanian government assures its citizens that they will not feel the appreciation of prices thanks to a special agreements between state administration and entrepreneurs all around the country. Those who will try to seize an opportunity of such a big change will be punished.
